What's a First Look Reader™?

Support authors with your valuable feedback

Earn gift card “thank yous” when you review manuscripts

Win gift cards when you help authors choose titles, and cover designs

Why become a First Look Reader?

  • Earn $25 gift cards (sometimes more with urgent projects) when you thoroughly review a manuscript that is being edited for future publication.
  • Enter additional gift card sweepstakes when you give quick feedback (< 3 minute surveys) on proposed titles, book covers, or book description copy.
  • Meet and connect with other book lovers in your favorite genres to share your favorite books.
  • Connect directly with authors and publishing industry insiders through exclusive First Look Reader virtual events!

How does it work?

It’s easy to join and there are no obligations.

Step 1

Take a five-minute survey sharing your favorite genres to read and a little bit about yourself (your information is NEVER shared with any third-party).

Step 2

Watch your email inbox for invitations to review a book manuscript, title, cover or description that fits within your interests.

Step 3

If selected for a manuscript review, read the manuscript beginning-to-end and complete a reader survey with your honest feedback within 2-3 weeks—then receive your $25 gift card!

Step 4

If selected for title/cover/copy feedback, complete the survey in 1-2 days and get entered into a sweepstakes limited to other participants in that survey for ten $15 gift cards!


When you complete your first survey or manuscript review, you’re automatically entered into monthly First Look Reader book giveaways and other fun prizes—just for being a part of the community!

Sound fun? It is! Join today and receive your first survey immediately.

© 2024 First Look Readers. Proudly created by MOXIE Nashville.